Wednesday, November 11, 2009


You know I've been putting a lot of thoughts about why certain people are so into themselves that they think their all that and enjoy finding faults with other people whom apparently ( I think) they feel threatened by...

They should go meditate on two words : let effin go...!! was doing retail therapy with someone special on Sat and I bumped into an old friend of mine who's studying in Utar.. Should not say who to keep her identity anonymous, just in case...=p...

Anyway I was so surprised when she told me that there was this girl , a very childish and self centered one may I add( maybe), was telling her friends about me being a bitch and all that...But I knew of her/him existence cos * was stalking my fb and fs for a period of time and I had to heavy heartedly delete her/him from both cos too much hassle la! Apparently even my friendS,bi33's friendS can't stand the sight of Miss*..She's definately not a nice person coz of some reasonS...One of the reason is ..erm...Tell u guys later...=p (from what other ppl CNN me)lol...and she thinks she is all that...

According to my CNNs, its sad how some people can be so over themselves that they don't realise their the total opposite! Well apparently this *** was CNN'ing that I stole her guy from her and that she dumped him cos nobody deserved her, she was too good bla bla bla..terbalik man!!!..=,=''..(from what other people CNN me too)..Funny though cos I don't think that was the true story at all and bi33 was laughing so damn hard when CNNs told me all these which actually happened months ago...


Okay, for sure many bloggers have faced this reality where some unknowns people just come to your blog and spam like mad, worse of all, starting to scold you like f**k and any other stuff.
Well, this is what I think about them.

First of all, yeah it's true that you are allowed to comment whatever you want in someone's blog. However, with some respect and maturity in the way you comment on it.
You may dislike the blog or the post but you can just say it like I think you have missed understood about what's happening or something or you can pin up the points that you think are wrong in the post without scolding the bloggers.

Secondly, if you are think you are so great and have all the knowledge in this bloody world, why are you still wondering in front of your laptop commenting on other people's blogs? That just shows how free are you that it needs spamming to entertain your lonely days.

Thirdly, perhaps, you can start to scold or bring your hot-tempered on that person or the blogger if the blogger mentioned something about you or offended you through his post which is I agree, that's something not right. But if the blogger is talking about a general group, you shouldn't be so pissed. You can just tell your points clearly without making the atmosphere becomes awkward
Lastly, no one ever wants to get into any troubles if they are normal person! If you think you are crazy that's making you to do this childish and retarded stuff, just go to rehabilitation center!
Your life will be better and people around you will be happier.
If you are bringing chaos to the world, just lock yourself in a room and never go out!
Got it?! (:

I'm not angry with spammers. I just find that they are just really selfish people who really just judge someone from the way they write or because they think the points that are in the post are stupid.
How childish!
I seriously think there's no need for vulgarities in such small stuff.

Okay shall end it here! (:

我相信所有有看我的Blog的朋友們都知道发生什麽事了。最近我的部落格有造遥者,我不懂你在这里一直spam我的意义是什么。可能就连你自己也不清楚为的是什么。我知道你们的企图是想打击我,破坏我跟我男友的感情。我男友告诉我说他们写的这些有的没的,为的只是想让我们吵架。你以为你自己是谁?你也只不过是个缩头乌龟,不敢透‘露’自己的身份。他说得很对,别人怎么批评和恶言相对是其次。最重要是我们清楚出知道心里只有彼此。。别人说的算得了什么?流言蜚语。前几天,跟宝贝还有些××私底下看回了我chatbox的comments..其实大家心里都有个答案了。跟宝贝研究了很久,也有聊到写关于一些很开心的事情。在这我不会透露太多^^...有了答案的人也都会保持神秘。谢谢你们。其实我男友的反应并不大,一看了就一直在哪里笑,说这人真的很幼稚。。其实chatbox里头已有很多的‘疑点’很明显这位高手的身份已暴露了。当‘我们’在研究当中,另一边也有人透露些‘线索’让我知道。很明显的,在做戏的人有几个。。这些都是他们所谓的‘任务’。做好了就交货。我想说的是,很明显我们知道在chatbox乱留言的人是谁也已不重要了。宝贝说这事情让他处理就好,可是我觉得没这个必要咯。反正我们都知道是谁了。我们已查到了他还有她们的ip address那里的地区。我只是把我的chatbox removed 而已。。但还未delete我的chatbox...
×我接受批评 愿意改变 但不希望让别人决定我的选择 我自己会判断 是非对错 人生攻击的人享受着伤了别人的那一刻 但同时要为自己默哀 因为做了这些小人之为 也忘了同时会有大人不记小人过这句话 到最后得到的是雪耻 到底为了爽什么 ? 三姑六婆才喜欢制造是非 比嘴贱 不要用粗俗的字眼承托自己的文化 好吗×


Angelin(fake name):
(youknowwhoyouare)everyone knows here...
Ur bf said tat u flirt with many guys... only thing was GOOD IN BED...
You're absolutely a SLUT.

see that? LMAO...

Sentences 1: My bf told you that I flirt with many guys?
ME: Impossible...U make me laugh...My bf tell 'YOU'? hahahaha..

Angeline/M'CD*: only GOOD IN BED..
ME: ah...=.='' you mean i good in f* huh? Well, if I'm good and praise by my partner, I should be proud..*evil laugh* I will be more SOB if I'm a DEAD FISH in bed!! ishhh...

To be continued....


  1. Are you jealous of what she has in her life?Don't be such a disguisting spammer talking bullshit here...If her blog really hurts your eyes..then why are you still here? Don't view and just buzz off lor..==...You think she is not pretty?..Don't be jealous of here...She is absolutely gorgeous..This is the truth...She is such a beautiful girl that everyone likes here..Just accept the fact..

  2. here*(her)*...I think you are the same person here...i leave down my contact num but no one dare to call me...

  3. BiTch...I thought you have already kept your mouth shut, stop barking around and shoo back to your kennel. Now you come out with new tricks ya. You want to play? Fine. You are the one who wanted to start another NEW war. I will play with you since you want me to keep on haunting on you. Oh, I’ve totally forgot that God was up there witness what you’ve done so far. will hunt you down soon~~~
